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Israeli leaders and interesting facts about Israel

Facts about Israel

Who are the Israeli and Palestinian leaders and what is their origin?




Which of the Israeli leaders was born in Palestine?


One of the most interesting things that I like to talk about on my Jewish heritage tours is the origin of people and their roots, especially Israeli and Palestinian leaders, this subject can explain so many layers from the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, that's why I prepared this list of names and people's origin.


1. Ehud Olmert-born September 30, Shuni, British mandate in Palestine, served as the 12th Prime Minister of Israel.

2. Benjamin Netanyahu- born October 21, 1949, in tel Aviv.

3. Ehud Barak-born February 12, 1942, in Mishmar A-Sharon, British mandate in Palestine. is an Israeli general and politician who served as the tenth Prime Minister from 1999 to 2001.

4. Ariel Sharon-(Ariel Scheinermann) was born on February 26, 1928, in Kfar Malal, British mandate in Palestine.was an Israeli general and politician who served as the 11th Prime Minister of Israel.

5. Yitzhak Rabin-born March 1, 1922, in Jerusalem, British mandate in Palestine.was an Israeli politician, statesman, and general. He was the fifth Prime Minister of Israel.

6. Yitzhak Navon- President of the state of Israel in 1977-1982 Born on April 9, 1921, in Jerusalem,
the British mandate in Palestine.

7. Ezer Weizman was the 7th president of Israel Born on June 15, 1924, in Tel Aviv, the British mandate in Palestine.


Israeli leaders born outside Israel


This is the second list including the original names of the leaders:

1. Yitzhak Shamir(Yitzhak Yezernitsky) Born: October 22, 1915, Ružany, Belarus was an Israeli politician and the seventh Prime Minister of Israel.

2. David Ben-Gurion (David Green) Born October 16, 1886, Plonsk, Poland was the primary national founder of the State of Israel and the first Prime Minister of Israel.

3. Moshe Sharett (Moshe Shertok‎) born ‎15 October 1894, Kherson Ukraine was the second Prime Minister of Israel.

4. Levi Eshkol (Yitzhak Shkolnik ) born 5 October 1895, Kyiv Ukraine, was an Israeli statesman who served as the third Prime Minister of Israel.

5. Golda Meir( Golda Mabovitch) born May 3, 1898, Kyiv Ukraine, was an Israeli teacher, stateswoman, politician, and the fourth Prime Minister of Israel.

6. Menahem Begin(Mieczysław Biegun) BORN 16 August, Brest Belarus, was 6th Prime Minister of Israel

7. Shimon Peres( Szymon Perski) born 2 August 1923 Vaishnava Poland, was an Israeli politician who served as the ninth President of Israel

Arab Palestinian leaders

1. Yasser Arafat was born on August 24, 1929, in Cairo, Egypt.

2.Saeb BARAKAT born April 28, 1955, in Jordan. He has Jordanian citizenship.

3.Faisal Abdel Kader al-Husseini, born in 1948 in Baghdad, Iraq.

4. Sari Nusseiba, born in 1949 in Damascus, Syria.

5. Mahmoud al-Zahar, born in 1945 in Cairo, Egypt.

Thus, Israeli leaders who were born in Palestine are "settlers or invaders", and Palestinian Arab leaders who were born in Egypt, Syria, Iraq, and Tunisia are "Palestinian natives"?this is a conflict that has no end, this issue will be discussed till the last day and unfortunately without a solution!


Here are a few interesting facts about the formation of Israel:

1. Nation and Jerusalem. Israel became a nation in 1312 BC, two thousand years before the rise of Islam during the times of King David and Solomon.

2. Arab refugees in Israel began to identify as Palestinians after 1967, 20 years after the creation of the modern State of Israel.

3. After the conquest of the country in 1272 BC, the Jews ruled the Land of Israel for a thousand years and continuously
present there for 3,300 years(even during periods of exile)

4. The only rule of the Arabs in Israel - after the conquest of 635 AD, lasted only 22 years.

5. For more than 3,300 years, Jerusalem was the Jewish capital. Jerusalem has never been the capital of the Arabs or
Muslims or Palestinians. Even when the Jordanians occupied Jerusalem, they did not make it their capital, and Arab leaders never visited it.

6. Jerusalem is mentioned more than 700 times in the Bible and not even once in the Koran(the holy Muslim book)

7. King David founded the city of Jerusalem, but Mohammed never set foot in Jerusalem.

8. Jews pray while facing Jerusalem, Muslims pray while facing Mecca.
If they are between Jerusalem and Mecca, Muslims face Mecca, and their back is towards Jerusalem.

9. Arab and Jewish refugees-In 1948 Arab leaders encouraged Arabs to leave Israel,
promising them the right to return without any Jewish population.68% ran away without ever facing the Israeli military.

10. Jewish refugees were forced to flee Arab countries due to violence, persecution, and pogroms
from the Arab side, only 1% returned.

11. The number of Arab refugees who left Israel in 1948 is estimated at 630,000.

12. Arab refugees have not been intentionally absorbed into Arab countries, despite their huge numbers
of territories. Of the 100 million refugees in the world since world war II, they are the only group that is not integrated or accepted into them.

The Jewish refugees were completely integrated into Israel, a country no bigger than the state of New Jersey.


13. The Arab - Israeli conflict. The Arabs have eight States, not counting Palestine.
There is only one Jewish state. The Arab Nations have started five wars and lost all of them.
Israel defended itself each time and won.

14. The Palestinian Charter still calls for the destruction of Israel. Israel gave the Palestinians everything!
the entire Gaza Strip and most of the West Bank, an Autonomous area under Palestinian control, and supplied them
weapons to restore order, free electricity, and also most of the infrastructure.

15. under Jordanian rule, Jewish Holy sites were looted and Jews were denied access to most of them.

Under Israeli rule, all Muslim and Christian Holy sites were preserved and were open to people of all faiths.

16. Israel and the Arab Nations -  the 175 Security Council resolutions adopted before 1990, 97 were
directed against Israel.

17. Of the 690 General Assembly resolutions before 1990, 429 were directed against Israel.

18. The UN did not react when 58 synagogues were destroyed by the Jordanians in Jerusalem.

19. The UN was silent while the Jordanians systematically desecrated the ancient Jewish cemetery on the
Mount of olives.

20. The UN was silent while the Jordanians introduced the policy of apartheid, forbidding Jews to visit
The temple mount and the wailing Wall.


The state of Israel was born by great people and great leaders with an amazing ideology, some of them were born in the holy land and some were born outside and made "Ivrut" a process of turning your name to a Jewish with a meaning. the Zionistic factory is still burning in many people hearts and we are still fighting for our existence, history teaching us how to share and accept the other all way long and we hope that the other side will finally accept this peaceful way too,


the last peace agreement with the united emirates brought new hopes to the middle east after so many years of struggle and this is a new path to a brighter future.




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