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Jewish Inventors And Jewish Inventions




Throughout human history Jews have always been prominent in unique inventions that have contributed significantly to the human race, today I want to introduce the most prominent people of Jewish descent.






Abraham 'invented' the Jewish people

Albert Einstein - The theory of relativity

Andrey Citron - Citroen car

Isaac Asimov - The Three Laws of Robotics

Alexander Luria - neuropsychology

Axelrod Julius - humoral transmitters in nerve endings and mechanisms of their storage, excretion, and inactivation

Alexander Samoilov - electrophysiology

Anatoly Rapoport - the connection between language, thinking, and action

Abrikosov Alexey Alekseevich - the theory of magnetic properties
superconducting alloys, ('Abrikosov vortices'), the idea of semimetals like bismuth, the idea of spin glasses with short-range action, the idea of high-temperature superconductivity

August Wasserman is a method of diagnosing syphilis, which today is still called the Wasserman reaction

Altshuller Genrikh Saulovich - the theory of inventive problem solving

Baruch (Benedict) Spinoza - ethical philosophy

Betty Frieden - Feminism

Born Max - Quantum Mechanics

Budker Andrey Mikhailovich (Gersh Itskovich) - the theory of cyclic accelerators

Boris Rosing - television

Boris Semenovich Jacobi - electric motor and electroplating

Baruch Blamberg - hepatitis antigen

Berliner Emil - telephone microphone, gramophone, and helicopter

Bruno Pontecorvo - a neutron logging method for exploration of oil-bearing areas, as well as a neutrino detection method

Bohr Niels Henrik David - theory of atomic reactions and nuclear energy

Berg Paul - Genetic Engineering

Bethe Hans Albrecht - discovered the source of the energy of the stars

Brin Sergey - Google

Boris Zbarsky (Ber Elievich) - bactericide, with which he embalmed Lenin

Willstatter Richard Martin - the chemical structure of alkaloids, blood pigments, chlorophylls, enzymes, and cocaine, Artificial cocaine

Vladimir Khavkin - anti-plague and anti-cholera vaccines

Waxman - antibiotic

Hertz Gustav Ludwig - Quantum Mechanics

Gregory Pincus - birth control pills

Godowsky Leopold - a color photograph

Grigory Yavlinsky - the party 'Apple'

Gurevich Mikhail Iosifovich, together with Mikoyan - the MiG-1 fighter (abbreviation for Mikoyan and Gurevich), designed for air combat at high altitudes. After improvements, the MiG-3 fighter was widely used on the fronts of the war. After the war, Gurevich, together with Mikoyan, designed the first in the USSR
high-speed jet fighters of the Mig series - MiG-9 (11945), MiG-15 (1947), MiG-17 (1949), as well as supersonic fighters MiG-19 (1955), MiG-21

Virgin Mary - 'invented' Jesus Christ

Jews (all together) - one day of rest per week

King David - Book of Psalms

James Maxwell - Electromagnetic Field Theory

Josephson - Josephson effect

Zelman Waxman - streptomycin - the first effective drug for the treatment of tuberculosis

Sigmund Freud - psychoanalysis

Israel Baal Shem Tov - Hasidism

Jesus Christ and the Apostles - Christianity

Isaac Singer - sewing machine

Joseph Samuilovich Shklovsky - modern astrophysics

Isidor Rabi - radiospectroscopy

Ilizarov Gavriil Abramovich - a method of growing bones

Kondratyuk (Shargei) Yuri Vasilievich (Alexander Ignatievich) - the basic equation of the rocket motion

Karl Marx - communism

Christopher Columbus - America

Casimer Punk - vitamins

Kantorovich Leonid Vitalievich - linear programming, one of the founders of the theory of optimal planning and management of the national economy, the theory of optimal use of raw materials.
- Kotin Joseph Yakovlevich - heavy tanks VK-2, VK-16, VK-85, IS-1, IS-2, heavy self-propelled artillery mounts U-152, ISU-152, ISU-122. Supervised the development of heavy tanks IS-4, T-10, amphibious tank PT-76, amphibious armored personnel carrier BTR-50P, skidder KT-12, wheeled tractor K-700, etc.

Kemeny John - BASIC and the Internet

Cassena Rainier - Declaration of Human Rights

Clara Zetkin - March 8 (In memory of the feat of Queen Esther, who saved her people)

Leon Trotsky - a revolution in Russia

Levi Straus - jeans

Lavochkin (Aizikovich) Semyon Alekseevich - planes of the La and LaG series, cruise missile 'Tempest'

Lipman Gabriel Jonas - integral photography method, a method of photographic color reproduction based on the phenomenon of interference


Luria Salvador Edward - genetics of microorganisms, the genetic structure of bacteria and viruses

Ludwig Zamenhof - Esperanto

Lev Landau - theory of superfluidity of helium-2, theory of condensed matter

Leonid Utesov (Weinsbein) - Soviet jazz

Moses - the religion of ethical monotheism + the Bible

Meyerhof Otto - biochemistry

Marcel Marceau (Iser Ioselovich) - modern pantomime

Ilya Ilyich Mechnikov - comparative pathology, evolutionary embryology, immunology, and microbiology

Moshe Nostradamus - mysterious knowledge

Michelson Albert Abraham - interferometer

Milton Friedman - Monetary Economic Theory

Matvey Bronstein - a quantum theory of gravity

Mil Mikhail Leontievich - helicopters of the 'Mi' series

Alexander Lvovich Mints - a new principle of operation of the accelerator, the use of automatic control of parameters based on information from an accelerated particle beam, which was carried out at a synchrotron with a proton beam energy of 76 GeV in Serpukhov

Norbert Wiener - Cybernetics

Nudelman Alexander Emmanuilovich - aircraft guns N-23, NS-37, NS-45, and NS-57

Reichstein Tadeusz - ascorbic acid

Robert Hofstadter - X-ray and gamma-ray counters

Steinberger Jack - two different types of neutrinos and antineutrino - electron and muon

Samuel Morse - telegraph machine and Morse code

Tager Pavel Grigorievich - Soviet sound cinema

Teller Edward - hydrogen and the atomic bomb (with assistants). Together with G. Gamow - selection rule for beta decay

Theodor Herzl - Political Zionism

Lev Theremin - synthesizer (theremin), electrical capacitive type burglar alarm

William Fox - XX Century Fox Film Corporation

William Stein - the structure of ribonuclease

Ferdinand Cohn - microbiology

Fridman Alexander Alexandrovich - modern cosmology and the Big Bang Theory

Fersman Alexander Evgenievich - geochemistry

Factor Max - modern cosmetics and make-up

Hyman (Haim) George Rickover - a nuclear submarine

Hevesi Georg (György) - the method of 'tagged atoms'

Christian Friedrich Samuel Hahnemann - Homeopathy

Chaim Weizmann - a new method of producing acetone needed for the manufacture of ammunition

Emma Goldman - Modern Anarchism

Edwin Land - Polaroid camera and spy eavesdropping systems

Erich Fromm - neo-Freudianism

Edmund Husserl - phenomenology

Emile Kio - a bunch of tricks

Edward Benedictus - Bulletproof Glass

Yalow Rosalyn Sasman - a method for determining insulin in the blood




Take A Look At This Concentrated List Of Famous Jewish Inventors And Their Inventions Along with Human History, just Amazing!






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