The Complete List of Israeli and Jewish Foods

The Jewish and Israeli kitchens have become very popular around the world lately, there are so many tasty and unique smells and tastes! Today I am happy to present the full list of Jewish and Israeli food, enjoy!
Hummus is a paste made from pureed chickpeas, with the addition of sesame paste (Tahini), olive oil, garlic, and lemon. Hummus has been known since ancient times and is very popular in such countries of the Middle East as Israel, Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, etc. We can say that both Jews and Arabs are not indifferent to hummus. The benefits of hummus can be judged by the composition of its ingredients. Chickpeas (chickpeas), sesame seeds (tahini), olive oil, garlic, and lemon are a treasure trove of vitamins and minerals. And at the same time, such a product saturated with useful substances is still not very high in calories, 100 grams contains about 166 kcal.
Israelis use Hummus for breakfast, lunch, and dinner with pita, pita bread, bread, chips, crackers, etc. This light and nutritious snack goes well with vegetables, meat, and mushroom dishes. No meal in Israel can be imagined without Hummus.
In recent years, hummus has become more and more popular in Europe and the United States, especially among vegetarians. Unfortunately, few people in Russia know about hummus, but in vain, because this product rich in vegetable proteins is simply ideal for consumption during fasting. Moreover, in recent years, on the shelves of Russian supermarkets, it is quite possible to purchase all the ingredients necessary for its preparation, the main of which are chickpeas (chickpeas) and sesame paste (tahini).
Making hummus at home is not difficult if you follow some of the subtleties that I will gladly share:
♦ Chickpeas (chickpeas) - 350 gr. ♦ Olive oil - 4 tbsp. ♦ Tahini (sesame paste) - 3 tbsp. ♦ Lemon - 1/2 pc. ♦ Garlic - 3 cloves ♦ Salt - 2/3 tsp. ♦ Spices to taste.
1. Soak the chickpeas in cold water for 10 - 12 hours, preferably overnight. For the chickpeas to boil well, and for the shell to be easily separated from the grains during cooking, add 1 tsp to the water for soaking. Baking soda.
2. After soaking, the water must be drained, and the chickpea grains, which have already swelled quite well during this time, rinse and fill with clean cold water. So much water is needed to completely cover the grains.
3. Bring the water to a boil, removing the formed foam. After boiling, reduce the heat, and salt and continue to cook, without closing the lid, for about 40-60 minutes. At the same time, constantly stirring and, if necessary, curling cold water into a saucepan in small portions. There should not be too much water, but it should completely cover the chickpeas.
4. In the process of cooking chickpeas, the shell begins to separate from the grains, which must be constantly removed. In this case, the hummus will turn out to be tender inconsistency.
5. The chickpeas are ready when the kernels are soft and easily crumble when pressed. In this case, remove the pan from the heat, and drain the liquid (broth) in which the chickpeas were cooked, but do not pour it out, it will still come in handy.
6. Grind boiled chickpea grains with a blender until smooth in a puree. Gradually add to the resulting mass the broth in which the chickpeas were cooked.
7. At this stage, if you do not need a lot of ready-made hummus at once, part of the chickpea puree can be cooled and frozen. Frozen chickpea pores make hummus just as good as freshly cooked hummus. It will be necessary to defrost the chickpea pore gradually, leaving it in the refrigerator for 12 hours. In this case, all the useful properties of the product will be preserved.
8. Add sesame paste (tahini), olive oil, lemon juice, and minced garlic to the rest of the chickpea puree. Mix all the ingredients with a mixer for a few minutes.
9. If desired, you can add spices to hummus (parsley, coriander, paprika, black pepper, chili, ground cumin (cumin), etc.)
10. Put the finished hummus in jars, cool, pour a little olive oil on top, and close the lids. Store finished hummus in the refrigerator for no more than 5-7 days. If you cannot find sesame paste (tahini) in stores, then grind lightly fried sesame seeds with a little olive oil in a blender instead, until smooth. The recipe can be viewed here.
Tahini or Tahina, as it is most often called in Israel, is a thick, greasy paste made from ground young sesame seeds. It is also called sesame or sesame paste. Tahini (Tkhina) is very popular in the countries of the Middle East, especially in Israel, it is she who gives many dishes a unique refined taste. Without it, it is impossible to cook Hummus and Babaganush so beloved by the Israelis, also, it serves as the basis for the preparation of various gravies, sauces, and sweets.
The pasta has a rather thick consistency, therefore, when used as sauces and gravy, it is diluted with water or oil, lemon juice, salt, garlic, and spices added. In Israeli cuisine, Tahini (Tkhina) is a truly versatile product. It goes incredibly with meat, fish, fresh and stewed vegetables, falafel, or even just bread or pita bread.
So for the preparation of a universal salad dressing 2 tbsp. Spoons of Tahini are diluted with 2 tbsp. Water, add 2 tablespoons lemon juice, chopped garlic clove, ½ tsp paprika, salt to taste. Beat everything with a whisk to obtain a homogeneous mass. The filling is ready. To prepare sweet sauces, Tahini is mixed with honey in equal proportions. Served with hot pancakes, it turns out very tasty.
In terms of the popularity of the use of Tahini in Israeli cuisine, it can perhaps be compared only with the use of mayonnaise and sour cream in Russian cuisine. At the same time, Tahini (Tkhina) is an unusually useful product and is a source of: - fatty acids (omega-3, omega-6), which strengthen the health of the heart and brain; - minerals (calcium, iron, copper, and phosphorus) that help to strengthen bones, teeth, blood vessels; prevent anemia; - thiamine and vitamin B1, which strengthen the nervous system and muscles, improve digestion.
In Israel, Tahini (Tkhina) can be bought in any, even the smallest store. In Russia, Tahini (Tkhina) has recently been found in supermarkets or specialized spice stores. But you can make pasta yourself at home.
1. Take 100 grams of sesame seeds (grains should not be bitter) and 2 tbsp. Refined oil (olive or sesame).
2. Dry the sesame seeds in the oven or heat them in a pan (without adding oil) until golden brown.
3. Cool sesame seeds, pour into a blender and add oil in small portions. Beat the mixture until the consistency of thick sour cream. The resulting mixture can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 2 months.
Pita is a flat, round unleavened bread incredibly popular in the Mediterranean, Middle East, and Israel. Pita is one of the most ancient sorts of bread on earth. The first mention of such bread can be found in the Old Testament.
Middle Eastern pita (Arabic flatbread) A distinctive feature of pita, from other bread, is water vapor, which is formed under the influence of high temperature inside the cake, and during the baking process, separating one layer of the cake from another. As a result, a cavity is formed inside the flatbread, or as it is also called a "pocket", which is usually filled with hummus, falafel, meat, salads, vegetables, chocolate paste, and anything you like.
Pita in Israel is truly a universal product and can be found in any store or catering establishment. The size of the cakes is rather small, the size of an average pitta is about 15-20 centimeters in diameter. It is loved by both children and adults and is taken with them everywhere to work, to school, to a picnic, or on an excursion. And what a wonderful "shawarma container" it turns out. At the same time, unlike Russians, Israelis practically do not use mayonnaise, replacing it with much more useful tahini and hummus.
Pita in Israel is truly a versatile product Unfortunately, pita is not often found on the shelves of Russian stores.
Making pita at home is not difficult if you follow some rules, the most important of which is a very high oven temperature of at least 250 degrees. It is at this temperature that water vapor is formed inside the pit, which forms the very "pocket".
♦ Wheat flour - 3 cups ♦ Dry yeast - 1.5 teaspoons ♦ Salt - 1 teaspoon ♦ Sugar - 1 teaspoon ♦ Water - 280 milliliters ♦ Vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons From this amount of products, 8 pits are obtained.
1. Sift flour, add yeast, salt, and sugar, mix well.
2. Gradually add warm water to the flour, The water temperature should be about 45 degrees. Mix everything well for 5 minutes, using a mixer.
3. When the dough becomes smooth and homogeneous, add vegetable oil, and olive oil if possible, and mix well again.
4. Put the finished dough in a bowl, cover with cling film, and put in a warm place for 1-1.5 hours. During this time, the volume of the dough should approximately double.
5. Knead the dough, divide it into 8 equal parts, and leave for 5-10 minutes, covered with a towel.
6. Preheat the oven to a maximum temperature of 250 degrees.
7. Roll out a flat cake 5-7 millimeters thick from each part, and place the prepared flat cakes on parchment paper.
8. Remove the hot baking sheet from the oven. Drag the parchment paper with the cakes onto the baking sheet. Place the baking sheet in the oven.
9. The cakes will very quickly begin to inflate, due to the formation of water vapor inside them. After they begin to resemble a "ball", keep them in the oven for no more than 2 minutes. The main thing is not to overexpose, otherwise, the pits will turn out to be dry. The time for baking flat cakes is no more than 5-6 minutes.
10. Remove the finished cakes from the oven, cover them with a towel, and leave to cool.
Falafel is extremely popular in the Middle East, especially in Israel. The birthplace of falafel is considered to be Egypt, from where this dish spread to all cuisines of the Middle East, as well as to some African countries.
The falafel recipe was brought to Israel by Jews who arrived here from Africa in the first half of the 20th century. Falafel was so fond of the Israelis that it very quickly acquired the status of a truly national product. It must be said that every person living in the Middle East has a special recipe for making falafel. So, if in Israel it is prepared only from chickpeas, then in Egypt from Egyptian beans, and Lebanon from a mixture of beans, chickpeas, and cannellini beans.
Israeli falafel is deep-fried balls made from minced chickpeas with herbs and spices.
You can also eat falafel as an independent dish, with a side dish of fresh vegetables and fried potatoes. But in Israel, it is customary to use it like this: ready-made falafel balls, along with hummus, fresh vegetable salad, pickles, chips, or fried potatoes are placed in pita and all this is poured abundantly with tahini sesame paste (tahini).
Thus, a kind of Israeli hamburger is obtained, very tasty, healthy, and nutritious. This is called falafel in pita bread. This dish is so versatile that you can eat it for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. You can taste such a hamburger in any falafel, of which there are a great many in Israel. Moreover, when the falafel is ready, you will be asked what exactly you want to put in the pita. Thus, you can choose a salad of vegetables, salinity, and other additives at your discretion. As a rule, these are finely chopped cucumbers and tomatoes, pickled cucumbers, and fried potatoes.
Few people know about falafel, which is a pity, because this dish is nothing more than a whole storehouse of vitamins, minerals, and proteins, ideal for use in fasting, and not only. Making Israeli falafel at home is not difficult at all.
Chickpeas - 0.5 kg baking soda - 1 tsp onions - 2 pieces garlic - 4-5 cloves greens (parsley and cilantro) - 1 bunch coriander - ¼ h spoon salt - 1 tsp vegetable oil (olive oil if possible) - 1 glass breadcrumbs
1. Soak the chickpeas in water mixed with baking soda, preferably overnight.
2. Rinse the chickpeas, let the water drain, and mince them together with onions, garlic, and herbs.
3. Add salt and coriander to the minced meat.
4. The consistency of the minced meat will depend on the juiciness of the greens. If the minced meat turns out to be liquid, then add ½ cup of bread crumbs.
5. From the minced meat obtained, mold balls, the size of walnuts, and fry them in deep fat until golden brown. Serve ready-made falafel as an independent dish, with various sauces, fresh vegetables, fried potatoes, and other side dishes. To prepare falafel in pita, you will need pita, hummus, tahini sesame paste (tahini), and fresh and pickled vegetables. If desired, pita can be replaced with pita bread and hummus and tahini with mayonnaise or any other sauce. But if you want to cook real Israeli falafel in pita, then here you can see how to cook pita, hummus, and tahini sesame paste at home.

Each Jewish holiday has its own traditional sweets. Butter-fried donuts (sufganiyot) stuffed with jam are a traditional sweet treat for Hanukkah.
Like many other words in modern Hebrew, the word "Sufganiya" is relatively new, but its roots go back centuries. "Sphog" in both ancient and modern Hebrew means "sponge". Sufganiya absorbs oil like a sponge.
Donuts can of course be baked in the oven. Any nutritionist will say that it would be much more beneficial this way, and undoubtedly he will be right. But the most traditional and religiously meaningful way of making Hanukkah donuts is fried in oil.
After all, on Hanukkah, they remember that great miracle when a one-day supply of temple oil was enough for eight whole days. Therefore, the dishes that are usually cooked on the days of the holiday must be prepared with a lot of oil.
In order to enjoy fresh, aromatic donuts blazing with heat on Hanukkah days, it is not at all necessary to buy a plane ticket and fly to Israel. You can make a Hanukkah treat yourself at home, for this you will need:
•Yeast - 10 gr. dry (1 tbsp) or 20 gr. fresh
•Flour - 2 cups
•Milk - 120 ml.
•Butter - 2 tablespoons
•Egg - 1 pc.
•Sugar - 1.5 tablespoons
•Salt - a pinch
•Vanillin - on the tip of a knife
•Lemon or orange peel - optional
•Vegetable oil for frying - 100 gr.
•Jam for filling - 250 gr.
•Powdered sugar for dusting - 50 gr.
•This amount of products should make 15 donuts.
1) Pour half the flour into a bowl, add yeast, warm milk, softened butter, sugar, egg, vanillin. If you are using fresh yeast, then you must first dissolve it in warm milk. Mix everything well. You can knead the dough either by hand or using a mixer with a special dough attachment.
2) Once the dough is smooth, you will need to gradually add the remaining half of the flour to it. Knead the dough for 4-5 minutes. The amount of flour in the recipe is approximate. During the kneading process, the dough should stop sticking to your hands, but at the same time remain soft.
3) Cover the bowl with a towel or cling film and set the dough to rise in a warm place for 1-1.5 hours.
4) When the volume of the dough doubles, knead it thoroughly and divide it into 15 identical parts. We form a ball from each part.
5) In a deep frying pan, heat the oil for frying donuts. The butter should not be too hot (no more than 160-170 degrees), otherwise the donuts will remain moist inside. Fry the donuts for about 2 minutes on each side.
6) Put the finished donuts on a paper towel to remove excess oil. And let them cool down.
7) In each donut we make a hole and, using a pastry bag with a nozzle or a special syringe for Sufganiyot, fill it with jam. Sprinkle the donuts generously with powdered sugar.
Bon appetit and happy Hanukkah!
I hope you gattered enough information about the most famous Israeli and Juwish food ,now start cooking at home or just visit Israeli to enjoy the original tastes!

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